To be compliant and meet all requirements for police and fire according to new law #FHWA-222001-11159, any traffic cone used at a nighttime incident or at a crash scene where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or greater, must now be 28 inches tall and have two reflective bands around their tops. When deployed, they should be closer to each other than the speed limit in feet; i.e., closer than 45 feet when deployed in a 45-mph speed roadway, etc. But how do you fit these cones in the trunk of your vehicle, compartment of your apparatus? Using EZ-Stor Road Safety Cones, from Emergency Response Products. These cones collapse to just under 2 inches n height and four stack neatly in a carry case. Using just one (1) cubic space of storage. Each cone also is equipped with a flashing LED light for additional nighttime safety.